Notar. | To note, to observe, to perceive.
Cazar. | To hunt, to chase.
Chancear. | To jest.
Combinar. | To combine.
Concertar. | To concert, to agree.
Concluir. | To conclude, to finish.
Enfriarse. | To cool, to get (or grow) cold.
Encargar. | To charge, to commission, to order.
Flotar. | To float.
Improvisar. | To improvise.
Inspirar. | To inspire.
Repartir. | To divide.
Saltar. | To leap, to jump.
Trinchar. | To carve, to cut.



272. ALEGRARSE. The verbs to be glad and to be rejoiced at are translated by the reflective verb alegrarse; as,

Me alegro de verle. | I am glad to see you.
Se alegró de la noticia. | He was rejoiced at the news.

273. SENTIR and PESAR. To be sorry and to grieve, are translated by these verbs; as,

Lo siento mucho. | I am very sorry for it(i. e., I feel it much).
Me pesa mucho saberlo.I am very sorry to know it(i. e., it grieves me much to know it).

274. CABER, to be capable of containing, &c. This verb is employed in different manners in Spanish; as,

¿Cuántas personas caben en esta iglesia? | How many persons does this church hold (or is it capable of containing)?
No cabíamos todos en el salón. | The saloon could not hold us all.
¿Puede caber en tu imaginación tal cosa? | Can such a thing enter your imagination?
Cabe mucho en este baúl. | This trunk holds a great deal.
No caber de pies. | To have no room to stand.
A mí me cupo en suerte venir a América. | It was my lot to come to America.
No caber en sí. | To be well satisfied with one’s self.
No caber de gozo. | To be overjoyed.


A lo lejos. | At a distance, in the distance.
A cuestas. | On one’s back, on one’s shoulder.
A la española. | In the Spanish fashion.
Atrás. | Backward, ago, behind.

Blanco. | White.
Bonito. | Pretty.
Durable, duradero. | Durable.
Elocuente. | Eloquent.
Galante. | Gallant.
Bello sexo. | Fair sex.
Magnífico. | Magnificent.
Negro. | Black.
Rodeado. | Surrounded.
Vacío. | Empty.

Abanico. | Fan.
Ala. | Wing.
Apetito. | Appetite.
Botella. | Bottle.
Aficionado. | Amateur, one fond of.
Caza. | Hunt.
Chanza. | Jest.
Baúl. | Trunk.
Cima. | Top, summit.
Buey. | Ox.
Colina. | Hill.
Brindis. | Toast.
Dama. | Lady.
Carro. | Car, cart.
Imaginación. | Imagination.
Canasto/a. | Basket.
Llave. | Key.
Conductor. | Conductor.
Milla. | Mile.
Pretexto. | Pretext.
Pechuga. | Breast (of fowl).
Peñasco. | Rock.
Fuerza. | Force, strength.
Embarcadero. | Ferry.
Suerte. | Luck, sort.
Piropos (pl.). | Sweet things.
Tarea. | Task.
Pasaje. | Fare.
Vocal. | Vowel.
Sitio. | Place, spot.
Voz. | Voice, word.
Salón. | Saloon.
Sombra. | Shade, shadow.
Vocabulario. | Vocabulary.
Elocuencia. | Eloquence.


– Quedamos en que saldríamos a las cinco.
We agreed (or appointed) to set out (or start) at five o’clock.

– Este canasto es superior a mis fuerzas.
This basket is more than I am able to manage.

– A la salud de las señoras.
To the health of the ladies.

– Decir piropos a las señoritas.
To say sweet things to the young ladies.

– Sírvase V. pagar al conductor.
Please pay the conductor.

– !Mire V. que gracia!
Only think!

– ¿Qué tal le gusta a V.?
How do you like?

– Pongamos los canastos a la sombra.
Let us set the baskets in the shade.

– La subida de la colina con un gran canasto a cuestas, me ha abierto el apetito.
Coming up the hill with a large basket on my back has sharpened my appetite.

– Me alegro de verle.
I am glad to see you.

– Se alegró de la noticia.
He was rejoiced at the news.

– Lo siento mucho.
I am very sorry for it (i.e., I feel it much).

– Me pesa mucho saberlo.
I am very sorry to know it (i.e., it grieves me much to know it).

– ¿Cuántas personas caben en esta iglesia?
How many persons does this church hold?

– No cabíamos todos en el salón.
The saloon could not hold us all.

– ¿Puede caber en tu imaginación tal cosa?
Can such a thing enter your imagination?

– Cabe mucho en este baúl.
This trunk holds a great deal.

– No caber de pies.
To have no room to stand.

– A mí me cupo en suerte venir a América.
It was my lot to come to America.

– No caber de gozo.
To be overjoyed.

En las lecciones de este blog se ha seguido la obra de

Alberto de Tornos “The Combined Spanish Method”. D. APPLETON ~ COMPANY (New York) 1869

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